While you are drinking four cups of wine tonight, ask yourself this: "Why is this night different from all other nights?" Answer: On all other nights, only one Levin plays darts, but tonight we have two Levins.
Watch The Ship drop some plagues on the competition tonight, right here.
When do you have time to think of these comments while making dartboard seder plates? But of course you know how to make me smile by mentioning the two Levs in the opening scene! I started out with two losses (but it was close, not a total washout as you might be picturing), and Dave is working on his first game. Fred is home puking, but Braley and Turner are here. Chag Sameach or something like that.
Dave down two. Happy 1st Birthday, Anabel.
What's Passover, anyway? I mean, I've been passed over, passed out, but not Passovered....hmmm?
Turner won but it was close. 134 left, scored 65 then 16 bc who doesn't want a 53 out? I told him 3 double cork but the math whiz decided 11 double 16. Luckily he hit a 19 and double 17 to win otherwise he'd still be at 10left!
Turner starts round 2 by closing 20s, and Darian follows suit closing 19s. A nice start to game 2 after winning round 1....go Ship! PS - I think she was aiming!
Darian aims again - nice 57 pts and close of 18s!
Now Turner is aiming as circle takes a square on 16s!
91 to 36 - one in the blowfish does it!
Darian has stopped aiming...but we're still in good shape....hootie or blowfish for godssake!
And there it is - defeat stolen from the jaws of victory with a split!!!! Mon Dieu!!
I was aiming, I was aiming!
Maybe I was tired from you slowpokes. These games are taking forevvvvvver...just throw, why aim?
Dave and Braley dropped the first game "horrendously" to quote John, sweet child of mine.
And horrendous it was...only to be rivaled by the 501 Turner / Darian display...nail biter in Round 2, having dropped Round 1. Oche!
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