Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back In Black

And we're BAAAACK! 
Welcome to the first night of the rest of your dart lives. The Ship (news on the name coming soon) is playing its first game at our new bar, Blackstone's. 
See how the new confines treat us right here.


GuacBlockers said...

The night started out OK, with a sweep by Rich. But Turner / Braley / Dave were all blackstoned, putting us down 2-6 early.

GuacBlockers said...

Aaaaargh. The Ship's mojo was packed up with the liquor and Samyos. Turner/Braley split opener in Cricket, but Rich/Dave completely puked up two games. Ship is down 9-3.

GuacBlockers said...

Blackstone's left The Ship with a black eye this evening. Dave / Braley split the opener in D501, in a tale of two games. The first game we nearly avoided a midget tossing, but in game 2 we steam-rolled to victory with a 98-On, and Braley was on fire throwing a Ton and an amazing Ton-74.

In the second match, Rich / Turner also earned a split. Turner bailed the team out with a double-1 to win the first game, and the second game was a a hot mess with The Ship missing left and right despite many chances.

With a final score an 11-5 loss for The Ship, it is a good thing we only have three matches left at Blackstone's.