Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Braley Defeats Truman

Halfway through the season, the NYDO held its own version of the mid-term elections.  Endorsed by all the major local publications and running on a platform of kicking-ass, The Ship was looking to consolidate its power with a win. 

The early returns indicated a close race was brewing.  The exit polls showed three wins for The Ship, along with three losses.  But as the vote totals rolled in, things started to look bad for the incumbents.  Rich / Andrew dropped two games to open Cricket.  But Michael / Darian turned things around with two impressive landslide wins.  John / Nacho hit some trouble in the last round, and The Ship needed a rally, as they were down 7-5 heading into D501.

John / Nacho opened D501 with a really close game, but got edged out in the end.  Darian / Michael continued their perfect nights in game two with a convincing bipartisan victory.  But, The Ship was forced to deliver a concession speech and accept a 7-11 loss when Rich / Andrew were voted out of office in the final game.  

Props:Darian / Michael - For taking back both the House and the Senate.
Bruce Braley - For one more win than John on Tuesday.

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