Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Live Blogging Week 12

Happy New Year and welcome back!  The last two weeks of the regular season are upon us.  The Ship is currently sitting in fourth place, but can they hold on to their playoff spot?  Find out here, as they play their final home game of the regular season, tonight.


GuacBlockers said...

Rich split the openers, but the cell phone battery is fading... will updates continue??

GuacBlockers said...

Splits across the board! 4-4.

GuacBlockers said...

Darian / john drooped the openers and Rich / Turner split. Ship is down a point.

GuacBlockers said...

Rich / Darian brought the heat. Two wins including a tossing.

GuacBlockers said...

A Ship sweep to end the night. A strong 9-7 win.