Tuesday, December 09, 2008


So Ship, you play darts every week, and you're surprised you end up in seedy, sketchy bars?  Really??!?  That's like stopping off at a crack house and being surprised it's in a bad neighborhood.  Really.

And you play darts one day a week, every other week, and you are surprised you are getting beat by people that play every day? Really??!?  That's like challenging Paula Abdul to a crazy contest.  You do it once, she does it EVERY day.  You have no chance.  Really.

OK, mine suck, but enjoy the SNL ones.  (and one more, just for Dave.  Really!??!)

Rich split the opener, but John kicked of his big night with two wins.  Really!!?!  Darian also earned a split, but Fred dropped both games in his round.  Really?  He gave up a room full of sugar-daddy bankers for this??  After all was said and done, though, The Ship was holding close at 4-4.

Do we really need to play Cricket every week?  Really??!?  Just for kicks, Rich / Fred played the first round, and lost all three games.  And to balance things out, Darian / John dropped all three in the second round.  It's possible that The Ship was improperly weighted due to an abundance of fries and wraps, but really, we might just be really bad at Cricket.

D501 gave us a chance to get back in the match, and Fred / John took one of two to get us started.  Rich / Darian ended the night with a split, as well, and The Ship walked away with 6 points for the night.

John - Really!!!  A monster night, winning three and dominating the Shippy.
Weekly Shippy Points (YTD Standings)
John3636 points in S501*, 0 points in Cricket, 12 points in D501
Fred2112 points in S501, 0 points in Cricket, 21 points in D501*
Darian1212 points in S501, 0 points in Cricket, 9 points in D501
Rich1212 points in S501, 12 points in Cricket*, 12 points in D501
* High Throw in Round

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