Tuesday, November 13, 2001

John's Blondes

Ahoy Shipmates,
While some of us were off gallivanting with whipped cream and midgets, the rest of the squad had some work to do back at SOF. In front of a friendly home crowd and a parade of John's Blondes, we put on quite a show in what was easily the most exciting match of the season to date.

In two rounds of close matches, we split both Singles 501 and Cricket 3-3, so Doubles 501 would decide the night. We got out to leads in both of the first 2 matches, and things looked good. But, in each game we just got caught on double-out. In the last match, Rich/Dave went up against Matt/Jose, which was not promising. Even though they doubled-in before us and Jose scored a Ton after doing a shot, we managed to pull a win out of our ass by sneaking out from 46.

Next week we play at A&M Roadhouse (57 Murray St), which should be fun.

Nikki - For finally getting off the schneid.
Holly - For playing excellent darts (2 for 3 and a C3)
Rich - For carrying Dave like a loaf of bread.

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