Tuesday, October 02, 2001

Swab The Decks

Swab the decks all you want, Shipmates, but you won't be able to wash the sweet stank of victory off you this week.

It was a rollercoaster ride, but we exported the Imports and racked up our first team W of the season. An unprecedented showing in singles 501 (4 W's) and cricket (4 W's) gave us a huge cushion. We had a chance to blow them out of the water, but they gave us a taste of our own medicine by coming on strong in doubles 501, taking the first 2 games.

In what was a microcosm of the whole night, Fred and Rich nearly "tossed the midget" in the final game of 501. But the commanding lead evaporated and it became a close contest, when the Imports got in with a Ton. But in the end, we managed to double out and secure the FOS victory for the night.

The Squad - For a big win.
Jeremy - For not showing up.
Darian - For apparently wishing for a miracle on her birthday.

Next week we play Jen Kowalski and Marissa of the unfortunately named "Ground Zero" at O'Hanlon's Bar on 349 East 14th Street (@ 1st Ave).
See you then.

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