Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Live Blogging Live Scoring

OK, so the truth is that this isn't "live blogged".  The first night of live scoring can unequivocally go down as a moderate to neutral pseudo-success.   The "live-scoring" piece went OK, although it was tough to do truly live on the Android.  This did not stop Rich from being on the phone all night.

The bigger issue is that it is potentially impossible to do both live scoring and live blogging.  Perhaps when we are on the road, but when you mix in needing to keep score for reals, as well as actually playing darts, it is a little much.

The good news is that Fred picked up the slack, both by throwing a Ton 74, but also by Facebooking it real-time.

The best news is that The Ship / Outs finally posted a win this season, so there were no ill effects of all this technology.

Stay tuned for more...

Fred's Ton-74

We are collecting Ton-74's this season:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Passover Darts

While you are drinking four cups of wine tonight, ask yourself this: "Why is this night different from all other nights?"  Answer: On all other nights, only one Levin plays darts, but tonight we have two Levins.

Watch The Ship drop some plagues on the competition tonight, right here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back In Black

And we're BAAAACK! 
Welcome to the first night of the rest of your dart lives. The Ship (news on the name coming soon) is playing its first game at our new bar, Blackstone's. 
See how the new confines treat us right here.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coming Soon - A New Website

In a season of change, the web presence of The Team Formerly Known as Full of Ship will also continue to change.
In the near future, the blog will be incorporated into a new team website.  Unlike the old site, this one will be easier to update, more dynamic, and more flexible.  Plus, the blog will be an integral part, so updates will continue to be on the blog, but team statistics and data will live through the website.  My hope is that the two will co-exist completely seamlessly.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Ship is The New Black

What is in a name? I don't pretend to know, but I do know that we had a good brainstorm on Tuesday kicking around possible new names for The Ship and The Shipwrecks.

So, let's put it to a vote. I have compiled a the leading candidates from last night in a poll over there on the left (<--). Vote for your favorite, or put any new ideas in the comments section. Looking forward to what all you 'Stoners think.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Bull Starts Here

While not a home game, tonight was the first night of the rest of our darts lives.  What would our new team name be, now that we are no longer at Ship of Fools?  What would it be like to play at a new bar after all this time?  What would we name our groupies?  How could we get more people to donate to our worthy cause?

All good questions, and all of the answers will come in time.  But tonight, we play darts.  And a tremendous amount of Legs.

Friday, April 01, 2011

The Ship Has Set Sail

A Sad Night Indeed
Glenn Addressing His Legions of Fan(s)
A Toast To Ship of Fools

There's No Crying In Baseball!
Ship Of Fools Was Cools

Closing The Book