Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Pucker up, Shipmates! Full of Ship is the C1 Subdivision Champion of the 2007 Spring NYDO Tuesday Night season. Yes, after 13 seasons, The Ship has won its first subdivision championship!

Like the 2006 Minnesota Twins, The Ship never held first place in the subdivision until the final week. But of course, that's the only time that counts.

So, clear a space on the mantle for a trophy and clear a space on your calendars for Awards Night, where we will triumphantly claim our rightful awards.

Of course, per NYDO Rules Section 3(12):

  • If a team wins it's subdivision or division, at the minimum, it will be moved up to the next division. The teams from C move up to B, and the teams from B move up to A.

But that's another issue for another day. Today, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we prepare for the playoffs, where we will hold home-bar advantage throughout. (Click to continue...)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

His Flu Flop

Paging Dr. Ship! Paging Dr. Ship! This week, the Ship rolled its gurney to the UES to look in on another patient and administer some bad medicine. So stay out of the rain to avoid the flu, and take two aspirin and call The Ship in the morning. Stat! (Click to continue...)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Flip Of Lush

Some nights, sailing The Ship is just a breeze. We were all happy to have Michael back from France this week. As an added bonus, our opponents only had four players (and only three after Cricket), ensuring a good score for The Ship. But apparently the coup de grĂ¢ce was the fact that John had a few drinks early in the evening, which appears to provide him with Superman-like darts skills. With everything going our way, The Ship had the wind at its back and coasted through a breezy Tuesday night. (Click to continue...)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ill Puff Hos

Definitely the best way to celebrate your birthday contains the following items:
  • A nice night out playing darts
  • Karaoke Jovi, and "Eye of the Tiger"
  • A win over the first-place team

And lucky for me, I got all of these presents for my birthday.

(Click to continue...)