Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Can You Picture What Will Be, So Limitless and Free

This is The Edge, beautiful friends, this is The Edge. My only friends, The Edge. Not even the major reconstruction could change all we know and love about The Edge. And what's not to like? There's great sushi right around the corner, Trivial Pursuit, beers, and even Donkey. Plus, The Ship notoriously plays well in its "home away from home" on Third Street. (Click to continue...)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

This Freeze Frame Moment Can't Be Wrong

I could see it was a rough cut Tuesday, whatever the hell that means. But I do know that this week, there were no defects to be found on The Ship. After a relaxing three week layoff including a fantastic meal (see above), the squad was back and ready for action. (Click to continue...)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Picture of Nectar

No words can adequately describe the fabulous night we had on our "off week", courtesy of Michael. Fantastic food, an amazing apartment, a roaring fire, great company. Just a spectacular evening.
Enjoy a few of the pictures.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I've Got (Pictures of) Friends In Low Places

Blame it all on the darts, or the tattooing tarts, who crashed our weekly affair. Whatever it was, there was a lot of strange things happening around the oche this week. But don't worry if you missed it, and don't try and deny it, 'cause we got pictures. (Click to continue...)