Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Ship Gets C-Sick

The Indigents changed their name to the Huckleberries, and On The C Bar got a fresh make-over, but nothing will change the fact that, ironically, The Ship hates The C. Maybe it's the jet-lag, maybe it's the lighting, maybe it's the bohemian neighborhood, but just like last season, something about traveling to Avenue C does not sit will with the squad.

The night started out with Fred in his new role as leadoff-hitter. Without any warm-up to waste his good darts, he posted a win. Meredith hiked up her skirt and got our other win, but Mindy, Rich, Eric and Jen lost, leaving us down 4-2 after S501.
With intense managerial planning and precise team pairing, we were able to improve our Cricket results infinitely over last week. Instead of going 0 for 6, we managed to go 1 for 6. The newly formed squads of Fred / Eric and Mindy / Holly both dropped two games. Rich / Jen won their first game and took a commanding lead in game 2, but they were unable to close out bull which resulted in a devastating loss. As has become common, The Ship ended Cricket down 9-3 and needing a sweep in D501 to salvage a tie.

The D501 round had enough ups and downs to cause a serious case of C-Sickness. Fred / Mindy started things out by looking as though they were going to toss the midget. But their 250+ point lead slowly started to disappear, as the Huckleberries threw a Ton and then a Ton-40 (while on the phone) to get all the way back in the game. Narrowly avoiding disaster, Mindy doubled out and The Ship took game 1. In game 2, neither team wanted to double-in and get things started. While the Huckleberries eventually got off to a big lead, Meredith / Jen battled all the way back and fought a war of attrition on double-out. The Huckleberries were stuck on a "5" out, and Jen had a bunch of near misses, but the Huckleberries finally managed to win the grueling contest. As though the Meredith / Jen game was not enough torture, one of the Huckleberries speared Holly with a dart before the final game. With a tourniquet around her arm and her hand wrapped in a crudely fashioned field dressing, Holly soldiered on to play the final game. Again, The Ship found itself down by 250 points, but Holly / Rich came back and had a few shots at doubling out before the Huckleberries took the game.

The final tally for the night was: a 5-13 loss, 1 flesh wound, and a combined $183 in cab / travel costs. At least we got some pizza out of the deal.

Eric - For a true Ship performance in his first outing, posting a Ton-19 in a loss.
Fred - Table-setter, DJ, and erotic dancing cheerleader.
Meredith - The girl who doesn't wear pants.

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