Tuesday, April 23, 2002

An Ode to the Ship (Redux)

You asked and you pleaded
You begged and you moaned.
Your calls have been heeded,
For another "Roadhouse Poem".

Back downtown the little Ship did sail,
To write another chapter of its ongoing tale.
The characters may have changed and Dewan was not there,
But there's beer and darts, so we don't care.
This time there was Rage, not Pirates, to face,
As the Ship went into a "Battle for Third Place!"

The match started out strong, or so it did seem.
Fred won his game and put the "I" back in "team".
And once again our rookies were a hit,
As Jen and Meredith won to give us a split.

We tried to select our Cricket players discreetly,
But Meredith drew some attention by missing the board completely.
After randomness had decided our fate, Jen and Fred did truly dominate.
But the rest of the round really gave us fits,
And we finished the round with another of our patented splits.
Plus the round cost us, as Jen was brought to her knees,
by a questionable bowl of Roadhouse Mac and Cheese.

As in weeks past, the match was tied, with Doubles 501 the round to decide.
We paired-up the best we can be, to try and take two out of three.
We even made an attempt to distract, with H 'n' M doing their G 'n' G act.
And Meredith's siren song nearly created a row,
As she proclaimed "I don't want a lap dance, I want a show!"
But all the distractions went for naught, as the matches were all well fought.
The first and second games both came down to the wire,
But we lost both and the situation was dire.
We won the last game and gave them a fight, making the final score 10-8 for the night.

We put on a good show for the sales force from Time.
They were so happy, in fact, that it was all on their dime.
We'll see you next week with your darts all pointy,
Anoint my head, anointy-nointy.

Fred - 315 AS points, 3 wins... now if you can just win at D501 .
Jen - 3 wins. I think the Mac n Cheese was spiked.

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