Monday, November 22, 2010

Live Blogging Week 9

Nothing like a week where we celebrate a turkey.  Oh, and it's Thanksgiving, too!  (Is there such a thing as a triple-entendre?  That joke just works on every level!)

Follow all the candle-blowing, cake-eating, dart-throwing action right here.


  1. Happy Birthday to me! Rich starts the night with two wins out of the gate. Let's see what other presents the night brings.

  2. Turner blew out one candle on the cake, but John just got blown out. Ship is tied 3-3.

  3. Batting cleanup, Scott has one win for his birthday so far...

  4. 17-double 16! Two wins wrapped up nicely for Scott.

  5. Rich's "present" to Scott was a rest for Cricket. Luckily Rich / Turner swept, to but a bow on it.

  6. Happy Birthday Scott!

    Dave and Fred didn't have it together, but managed a split in cricket.

  7. Scott got a double-out to win the backend of a D501 split. And with a Rich/Turner sweep, powered by Turner's doubles, The Ship takes an 11-5 win!
