Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blogging the Last Game Before the Apocalypse

Author of "The Doomsday Code"  Robert Fitzpatrick
If you haven't heard, the world is supposed to end in Saturday. This, of course raises many questions. Who will be saved? How will the rapture go down? If the darts season is aborted, do the stats still count?

Join us for one last match before we all go up in flames.


  1. It's the end of the world as we know it, but The Ship feels fine.

    Splits all around (so far) in S501 for Rich / Turner / Fred. And an uncharacteristic twin killing in Cricket for Rich / Turner has The Ship up 5-3 early.

  2. The Levin Laser Show starts with two S501 wins.

  3. Call the Horsemen! Dave / Fred fizzled in Cricket, dropping both and making the score 7-5.

  4. The Ship got a jump on the holocaust. Rich's strategery imploded and Fred / Turner and Rich/ Dave both got swept. Only a slaying of the first born would have been worse than the 9-7 loss.
