Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blogging the Last Night at Ship of Fools

It was a hard night for The Ship, as it was the last time we entered Ship of Fools for our weekly match.  Always ready for some stiff competition, we will do our best to stuck one in the Hootie (or two in the Blowfish).  Follow all the action here, and see if we come out ahead.


  1. Can you get some frozen yogurt from across the street and bring it in?

  2. The Ship unveiled a new lineup, with "Wheels" Turner batting leadoff. He drew a walk and stole his way around to two wins.

    In the two-hole, Rich blunted his way to as split.

  3. The "No Yogurt" policy has not yet been loosened. Perhaps that led to the closing.

  4. In an unprecedented display, Braley posts two wins. Long live Ship of Fools!

  5. Rich who USUALLY wins both 501 singles (according to him), didn't. But Braley did.

  6. The dynamic duo of Rich/Darian split the first two.

  7. Turner/"Hooch"Braley dropped two, in an unceremonious salute to Ship of Fools.

  8. Is the 8:52p comment a typo or did Rich really "blunt" his way to a split? You guys are cooler than I thought!

  9. Yes, it was a typo. Should have read "blunted his way to a spliff".

  10. A nice night, but a painful loss! Farewell Ship!
