Friday, January 14, 2011

Live Blogging the Playoffs: Round 1

Yes, I"m talkin' PLAYOFFS!  Once again, The Ship sailed into the post-season, looking to take home a title.  Round 1 is at SOF, so come out sand cheer us on, or follow all the action right here.


  1. Playoff jitters as Rich splits the opener.

  2. Turner plowed through Game 1 and was sailing in Game 2 but got caught. 2-2.

  3. Fred kept the splits alive in the third game. 3-3. It is shaping up to be a tight match.

  4. Dave just missed in both games to end S501 with The Ship down 5-3. Rich / Turner opened Cricket with yet another split, so The Ship is down 6-4 in the race to 9.

  5. Argh. After losing only one D501 game all season, Rich / Turner lost two to end the season.
