Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Darts is nothing if not a screwy game.  Some nights you have it, some nights you don't.  Some nights you can play well and lose, and some nights, even if you don't have it, you can win. On this night, most everything fell in place for The Ship and we reaped the benefits.

Rich started out with two quick wins, including a Ton-40 and a Ton-20.  Andrew followed with a split, and then John swept his round.  Steve dropped both games, but The Ship still held a 5-3 lead after S501.

In what has become a new trend, The Ship dominated Cricket.  Andrew / John  split the first round, but Rich / Dave swept both games in the finishing round, to extend The Ship's lead to 8-4.

In D501, we did just enough to hold our lead for the night, as Dave / Steve were swept in the opener, but Rich / Andrew took both ends to finish the night, on the strength of Andrew's doubles.  The final score was a screwy 10-6 Ship win, but we will gladly take it.


Rich - A clean sweep in six games.

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