Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Guest Post

I'm sure you've all been waiting for my attempt at matching the wit and humor of previous re-caps. I'm sorry the wrap-up was delayed but I was recovering yesterday from too many pitchers of Stella Artois.  So, without further ado... 

This week should be coined the week of missed opportunity. We started off well by splitting the Singles 501 matches 3-3. Cricket was simply awful as we went 0 and 6, although Dave/Jeremy and Mindy/Fred both had close matches (Wish I could say the same for us, John!). As usual, we began our normal late charge to victory, thanks to late appearance by our captain and two Doubles 501 game victories by Dave/John and Rich/Mindy. Jeremy and I had the chance to even things up but after an easy in, we had too many rounds of "Circle it!" type scoring. In the end, the final score was 11-7. And, the worst part was, we didn't get to kick midget ass as he's apparently been cut from the team.

I'll refrain from handing out props but special credit for Rich since he did end up making it all the way downtown after his dinner.

Next week, we're off Tuesday with our bye week.   However, don't forget we've got our Week 1 make-up match on Thursday, 11/1/01 at Finnerty's (108 Third Avenue).   

Look forward to seeing you all there - I know you'll be happy to have Rich's reports back next week!

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