According to scientific theory, human settlement in Estonia became possible when the ice from the last glacial era melted away 11,000–13,000 years ago. And just like Estonia, The Ship thawed out this week, melting away the cold streak that had enveloped us earlier in the season. (Click to continue...)
This is the official blog for Guac Blockers, a team in Division C of the Tuesday Night division of the New York Dart League.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Laos-y Night
The Ship returned home this week, but our game remained mired in southeast Asia. And just like the Yankees and the Rangers, it felt like we got trounced by a million elephants. (Click to continue...)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
My Oh Myanmar
The Ship hit the road this week, looking to keep the momentum going from its first win of the season. With a swift and strong effort, we had a chance to make our mark on the league. (Click to continue...)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Hey! Ho! Lesotho!
It has been a rough couple of weeks to start the season, as The Ship searches for its groove. Back at home this week, we hoped to escape from our enclave and rise to new heights. Luckily, we ran into a team with only four players, which seriously helped us in our bid to turn around the season. (Click to continue...)